Moji Pekinezeri / My Pekingeses
Rully -moj prvi pekinezer po svim standardima vrste.
Presretna sam zbog mog odabira.
Oštenjen je 20.09.2008.
Njegovu igru u svom domu sa ostalim mojim psima možete vidjeti na mojoj youtube stranici tmilanja facebook -u Forever Gold Star Chihuahua and Pekingese
Rully- My first Pekingese by any standard types.
I am very happy about my choice.
He was born in 20.09.2008. "
Love to playing at home with the rest of my dogs You can see his videos on my youtube tmilanja and facebook Forever Gold Star
Reea- pekinezerica koja je stigla u moj dom 09.02.2013. sa svojih 7.mj. i prva sa kojom sam krenula na izložbe, te smo postigle lijepe rezultate.
Oštenjena je 10,07,2012.
Njene video uratke i neke slike sa izložbi možete vidjeti na mojoj youtube stranici tmilanjate facebook Forever Gold Star
Na stranici ingrus data base pekingese njena stranica je
Od uspjeha na izložbama imamo :
excellent, 3 BEST JUNIOR, 7 BOB, 2 JBOB,CH M-HR 2,BOS, R. Cacib, 4Cacib-a, 8CAC, 2 R.CAC, CH HR , CH SLO....
Hvala svim sucima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REEA hvala tebi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REEA- my female Pekingese that arrived in my home 09.02.2013. and the first with which I went to the exhibition, and we have beautiful results.
Born the 10.07.2012.
Her videos and some pictures from the exhibition can be seen on my youtubetmilanja or on facebook Forever Gold Star
On ingrus data base pekingese her page is
From the success of the exhibitionswe have:
excellent, 3 BEST JUNIOR, 7 BOB, 2 JBOB,CHM-HR 2,BOS, R. Cacib, 4 Cacib, 8CAC, 2 R.CAC Champion HR young, mature Champion HR, Champion SLO.....
Thank you to all the judges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reea thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!