Moje Čivave / My Chihuahuas


Slo-White Rose Talent Show

a.k.a. Tilly


TILLY punim imenom SLO-WHITE ROSE TALENT SHOW moja prva čivava stigla iz Slovenije.Lijep predstavnik svoje vrste, dugodlaka ženka, crna sa bjelinama,škarastog zagriza, 2kg teška.
Predivna, živa, voli jako hodati, šetati.
Njene video uratke možete vidjeti na mom  youtube kanalu tmilanja kao i na facebook-u Forever Gold Star
Oštenjena je 13,04,2013,.Rezultati na izložbama su lijepi i uspješni što se može vidjeti na njenoj stranici gdje je i vidljiv rodovnik/ pedigree
Hvala svim sucima!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hvala Tilly tebi!!!!!!!!!!!

TILLY fully named Slo-White Rose TALENT SHOW my first Chihuahua came from Slovenia. A beautiful example of its type, long-haired female,black with white, scissor bite, 2kg heavy. 
Beautiful, lovely, loves to walk and play.
Born is 13,04,2013, .The results in the exhibition are beautiful and successful as can be seen on her website where she and visible pedigree / pedigree [url = http: // Id = 50110]                            Her videos can be seen on my youtube  tmilanja and facebook Forever Gold Star

Thanks to all the judges !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Tilly !!!!!!!!!!!!
We hope to continue !!!!!!!!!

Vojtech Dog-Lome

a.k.a. Villy


VILLY punim imenom VOJTECH DOG- LOME, naš kratkodlaki,tricolor, vitki dečko, škarastog zagriza, 2,7kg težak, stigao iz Češke.
Oštenjen 09.12.2013.Vrlo druželjubiv, vedar, predivnog karaktera. Na izložbama  se pokazao vrlo uspješnim............... Na  stranici ingrus data base chihuahua vidjeti ćete njegov rodovnik/ pedigree 

  Hvala Villy !!!!Hvala sucima !!!!!!!!!!                     Njegove slike i snimke možete vidjeti na mojoj stranici youtube tmilanja te facebook Forever Gold Star

VILLY  Fully  nammed VOJTECH Dog-Lome, our short-haired,tricolor,scissor bite,2.7 kg heavy,arrived from the Czech Republic.
Born 09.12.2013. Very sociable, cheerful, beautiful character. The exhibition proved to be very successful............
Thanks to all the judges !!!!!!!!!!
We hope to continue !!!!!!!!!
His videos and photos you can see on my site youtube tmilanja and facebook Forever Gold Star
Also on page ingrus data base chihuahua you can see his pedigree / pedigree [url = http: // Id = 62446]

JoyfulJenny Chimigo Star

a.k.a. Joy


JOY punim imenom JOYFUL JENNY CHIMIGO STAR naša nova nada, predivna, dugodlaka ženka ,zlatno smeđa s bijelim oznakama,.Prava čivava,vedra, zabavna, obožava svoju macu, igru i šetnje.
Oštenjena je 17.10.2014.
Na izložbama smo postigli odlične rezultate.....
Hvala sucima i hvala JOY!!!!!! 
Njene slike i video , osim na ovim stranicama možete vidjeti i na mom youtube tmilanja te facebook Forever Gold Star
Njen rodovnik/ pedigree možete vidjeti na stranici ingrus data base chihuahua na:

JOY fully nammed  JOYFUL JENNY Chimigo Star  Our new hope,a beautiful, long-haired, golden brown with white markings.Real Chihuahua, cheerful, fun,loves her cat and playing.
Date of birth is 17/10/2014.                                                   The exhibition proved to be very successful.....       Thanks to all the judges !!!!!!!!!!We hope to continue ..... 

Her pictures and videos, in addition to this site, you can see it on my youtube channel tmilanja and facebook Forever Gold Star

Her pedigree / pedigree can see on ingrus data base chihuahua on:

Kylie Chimigo Star

a.k.a. Kylie


Kylie  punim imenom Kylie Chimigo Star naša  nada, lijepa, dugodlaka ženka , zlatna s bijelim oznakama, Prava čivava, vesela, zabavna, voli duge šetnje i igranje.

Na   izložbama se pokazala vrlo uspješnom..........                       Oštenjena je 20. / 03. / 2015.

Njene slike i video, osim ove stranice, možete ga vidjeti na mom youtube tmilanja i facebook Forever  Gold Star.

Njen rodovnik / pedigree možete vidjeti na ingrus baze podataka Chihuahua na:

Kylie  Fully  nammed KYLIE Chimigo Star Our new hope,a beautiful, long-haired female, golden with white markings, Real Chihuahua, cheerful, fun,loves  long walking and playing.
The exhibition proved to be very successful............ Date of birth is 20/03./2015.

Her pictures and videos, in addition to this site, you can see it on my youtube channel tmilanja and facebook Forever Gold Star.
Her pedigree / pedigree can see on ingrus data base chihuahua on:  [url=]

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